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When trees are planted, they are in essence ‘born’ and must be nurtured to full maturity. This is a critical component of the ‘Plant your Age’ campaign.

Why the Idea

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), non-communicable diseases kill about 41 million people annually. This accounts for 71% of all deaths globally. Among these are lifestyle diseases that can largely be prevented through proper nutrition and fitness. Natural landscape, fresh vegetables and fruits are all key drivers of healthy bodies and minds. Trees play a key role in all these drivers. They provide fruits and underpin natural landscapes. Through agroforestry, they also protect the soil that nurtures vegetables and other crops.

Therefore, every time you grow a tree, you are investing not just in planetary health, but also human health. This September 14th, invest in your health by planting trees commensurate to your age. Let’s grow trees and harvest health!

Our Justification

The Plant Your Age campaign seeks to enhance and unify tree growing across Kenya, Africa and globally. There are already numerous tree planting campaigns championed by different players and entities, but they are often time-bound and splintered, which makes it hard to track progress, survival and flourish of planted trees. Plant Your Age doesn’t seek to replace or outshine any of these tree planting ventures. Rather, it seeks to enhance and unify tree growing at individual, corporate and national levels.

Our enhancement is based on the concept of planting and growing trees that correspond to your age, whether that age is biological, product or anniversary related, for instance, during the anniversary of a given corporate’s founding, all staff members can plant trees corresponding to the corporate age in question or number of products they handle. When trees are planted, they are in essence ‘born’ and must be nurtured to full maturity. This is a critical component of the ‘Plant your Age’ campaign.

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Opportunity for Partnership

‘Plant your Age’ provides an opportunity for national and county governments, corporates and individuals to inject innovation into tree growing by ensuring long-term flourish of these trees. It grants a platform for governments to expand the forest cover of gazzetted national forests by investing national resources into consistent tree planting exercises within these forests. In the same vein, ‘Plant your Age’ unlocks multiple opportunities for Corporate Social Investment that will expand not just forests and woodlands, but also trees and better relationships. In addition, this campaign extends a hand of partnership to individuals who are part of a bigger movement that lends long-term significance to their individual tree growing efforts.

The Plant Your Age Day

Why the Day!

How old are? Now imagine every year you have lived represents a chance to restore hope, inspire a new generation, replenish health and make the world a better place for all. When you plant a tree, you give life to the living and make it worthwhile for you, your family and future generations.

Every year, September 14th is the ‘Plant Your Age’ Day. It is a day dedicated to physical act and journey of planting and growing trees equivalent to your age. We also urge every individual to embrace of what trees represent. Read more about our mother organization: Green Africa Foundation here

Little Actions Make a Big Impression!


World Bicycle Relief
Isuzu East Africa
Green Africa Foundation
County Government of Kajiado
Citizen Tv
Ndhiwa Sukari
Sironga Girls High School
St. Stephens Ministries
Ramogi Radio
Standard Group
KTN News
County Government of Makueni
Mhasibu Sacco

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